The Roots Music Report's
Top Singer/Songwriter Album Chart
for the Year of 2024
Album Title | Band/Artist Name | Label | |
1 | Queen of Time | Lindsay Lou | Kill Rock Stars |
2 | The Long Haul | The Mike Jacoby Electric Trio | Self-Release |
3 | Spectral Lines | Josh Ritter | Pytheas |
4 | Legacy | Kyshona | Soundly |
5 | Multitudes | Alisa Amador | Honest Magic |
6 | The Human Torch | Bob Schneider | Shockorama |
7 | Cunningham Bird | Andrew Bird & Madison Cunningham | Loma Vista |
8 | Shades of Blue | Evan Nicole Bell | Hummingbird |
9 | Introspective | Bruce Guynn | New Coast |
10 | American Nomad | Adele Lassiter | Firehole Road |
11 | Ghost Tongue | Austin Brookner | Black Monday |
12 | Don't Look Down | The Burnt Pines | Adraela |
13 | Under Cover | Valerie June | Fantasy |
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