The Motet
Colorado - United States

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Live at Commonwealth Room 1/15/22 Salt Lake City, UT

Label: The Motet

Genres: Rock

Styles: Rock

Songs on the Album

Track # Song Title Style Genre

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Death or Devotion

Label: The Motet

Genres: Rock, Jazz, R&B

Styles: Rock, Jazz, Funk

Songs on the Album

Track # Song Title Style Genre
1 Highly Compatible Jazz Jazz
2 Whacha Gonna Bring Funk R&B
3 Joke's on Me Funk R&B
4 Death or Devotion Funk R&B
5 That Dream Funk R&B
6 Get It Right Funk R&B
7 Kneebone Funk R&B
8 Supernova Funk R&B
9 Contagious Funk R&B
10 Speed of Light Funk R&B

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Label: Self-Release

Genres: Rock, R&B

Styles: Rock, Funk

Songs on the Album

Track # Song Title Style Genre
Fool No More Funk R&B
1 The Truth Funk R&B
2 Fool No More Funk R&B
3 Know It Too Well Funk R&B
4 Rippin Herb Funk R&B
5 Damn! Funk R&B
6 Solar Plexus Funk R&B
7 So High Funk R&B
8 Cretan Funk R&B
9 Danger Funk R&B
10 Cloak and Dagger Funk R&B
11 Back It Up Funk R&B
12 Contraband Funk R&B

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Instrumental Dissent

Label: Self-Release

Genres: R&B

Styles: Funk

Songs on the Album

Track # Song Title Style Genre

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Label: Harmonized

Genres: R&B

Styles: Funk

Songs on the Album

Track # Song Title Style Genre
1 W.O.W Drums Funk R&B
2 Know Her Funk R&B
3 Sandunga Funk R&B
4 The Archer or the Arrow Funk R&B
5 Scribbitts Funk R&B
6 Foxploration I Funk R&B
7 Rumba Pa Los Santos Funk R&B
8 Aquelle Esquina Funk R&B
9 Foxploration II Funk R&B
10 Belly Funk R&B
11 S.L.O. Drums Funk R&B

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Label: The Motet

Genres: R&B

Styles: Funk

Songs on the Album

Track # Song Title Style Genre
Belly Funk R&B