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 Top 50 Jazz Album Chart for the Week of Feb 1, 2025 | Roots Music Report

The Roots Music Report's
Top 50 Jazz Album Chart
for the Week of Feb 1, 2025

TW LW Album Title Band/Artist Name Label Sub Genre
-11Beethoven BluesJon BatisteVerveJazz
27LumenDanilo Perez & Bohuslän Big BandProphoneBig Band
311Try ThisBill MoioITISmooth Jazz
49Zebra StoriesSteve AlleeSelf-ReleaseContemporary Jazz
56My UniverseMaria Puga LareoMy KeterLatin Jazz
612MysticalReza KhanPainted MediaContemporary Jazz
713What It MeansBria SkonbergCellar LiveContemporary Jazz
82Cali MamboDred Scott TrioRopeadopeContemporary Jazz
914Let's WalkMadeleine PeyrouxJust OneSwing
1016Time Takes Odd TurnsTom Johnson Jazz OrchestraSelf-ReleaseContemporary Jazz
115Found in Space: the Music of Gregg HillMichael DeaseOriginBig Band
1289Looper Colony IISam Riney, Barry Coates and Jerry KalafOutside InAvant-Garde Jazz
1390CalliopePaul Hanson and Raze the MazeManzanita RanchFusion
1410Some Poor Soul Has a FireStan HarrisonAdhyâropaModern Jazz
1518The Romance ContinuesTony SaundersBaja/TSRSmooth Jazz
1619UnitedLionel Loueke & Dave HollandEditionCrossover Jazz
1720Love and RhythmBlake AaronInnervisionContemporary Jazz
1821The Latin Side of McCoy TynerConrad HerwigSavantJazz
1922Grove's GrooveMichael DeaseLe CoqJazz
208A Little Taste: a Tribute to Dave FrishbergRebecca KilgoreCherry PieMainstream Jazz
2177Better AngelsPeter BernsteinSmoke SessionsModern Jazz
2217Ese MomentoDaniel PardoSelf-ReleaseLatin Jazz
2324The AnswerIlya OsachukSelf-ReleaseJazz
2425The Jazzcup Café Blues (Live in Germany)Alvin QueenCellar LiveClassic Jazz
2537Brazilia Live at the Pump House: Celebrating Wayne ShorterDan MorettiRoots GroovesLatin Jazz
-2626Cool ShadesNilsBajaContemporary Jazz
-2727Across the Field College Fight Songs ReimaginedVisions Jazz EnsemblePatiosContemporary Jazz
-2828DestinyBrendan RothwellSelf-ReleaseContemporary Jazz
2930Precious MomentsLowell HopperSelf-ReleaseSmooth Jazz
3031Good TroubleMatt WilsonPalmettoJazz
3132Louisiana StoriesDon PaulIrresistible/RevolutionaryCrossover Jazz
32-Step DownThe Sure Fire Soul EnsembleMERLINContemporary Jazz
-3333Tribute: the Music of Gregg Hill Rick RoeCold PlungeMainstream Jazz
-3434Right HereTomas Martin LopezBongotomsLatin Jazz
*NEW*35-Safe TravelsJerry KalafSelf-ReleaseModern Jazz
3635Joe Elefante’s Wheel of DharmaJoe ElefanteSelf-ReleaseMainstream Jazz
3736Small ThingsJackson PotterShifting ParadigmMainstream Jazz
3829Feelin' GoodNilsBajaContemporary Jazz
3938SoliloquiesJason Kao HwangSelf-ReleaseContemporary Jazz
4039It Hits DifferentNorman BrownShanachie Ent.Contemporary Jazz
4140History of the VibraphoneWarren WolfCellar LiveJazz
-4242JAMBDave Erickson ProjectSelf-ReleaseContemporary Jazz
-4343Hidden GemsBrent Laidlerself-ReleaseContemporary Jazz
-4444HopeTodd BostonGitaJazz
-4545Promised LandPaul BrownShanachieContemporary Jazz
-4646Groovin SmoothGhost Jazz TrioGuitar OneSmooth Jazz
-4747Beyond the Warrior's EyesBrian TarquinBHP Music-Guitar TraxFusion
-4848Archaic HumansNation BeatRopeadopeContemporary Jazz
-4949TwentyfourAl Di MeolaEar MusicFusion
-5050Echoes of Harlem: a Tribute to Duke Ellington, Vol. 2Planet D NonetEastlawnBig Band

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