Payson Lyon
Tennessee - United States

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Long Day's Journey into Light

Label: Earwig

Genres: Folk

Styles: Contemporary Folk

Songs on the Album

Track # Song Title Style Genre
1 Take Another Step (feat. Colin Linden) Contemporary Folk Folk
2 Cold Gray Steel (feat. Colin Linden) Contemporary Folk Folk
3 Sugarloaf Road (feat. Colin Linden) Contemporary Folk Folk
4 Casena's Song (feat. Colin Linden) Contemporary Folk Folk
5 Where's Home (feat. Colin Linden) Contemporary Folk Folk
6 Pale Fire (feat. Colin Linden) Contemporary Folk Folk
7 Right on the Borderline (feat. Colin Linden) Contemporary Folk Folk
8 40 West to Memphis (feat. Colin Linden) Contemporary Folk Folk
9 I Hate It when (feat. Colin Linden) Contemporary Folk Folk
10 Forever Untamed (feat. Colin Linden) Contemporary Folk Folk
11 Long Day's Journey (feat. Colin Linden) Contemporary Folk Folk
12 Invisible Fire (feat. Colin Linden) Contemporary Folk Folk