Album Review of
Voyages and Other Stories

Written by Duane Verh
July 9, 2023 - 6:57pm EDT
Review Rating Star Review Rating Star Review Rating Star Review Rating Star

Guest vocalist Sylvie Desgroseilliers’ searing-hot delivery on Nina Simone’s “Do I Move You” is enough on its own to call blues folks’ attention to this release but harmonica whiz Guy Belanger provides other treats.  The Quebec-based harpmeister and ensemble let loose on a tuneful jump blues, Jimmy Hall’s “Duck Soup”, and a clever co-write from bassist/vocalist Alec McElcheran, “How Do You Do It” is another airplay candidate. These tracks co-exist with evocative instrumental mood pieces co-written by Mr. Belanger and quite cinematic in character; a case in point is the set closer, “Au Bout Du Chenin”.  Nanette Workman’s lyric-less vocal conjures the atmosphere of an Ennio Morricone film score.