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Label: Y&T MusicGenres: Rock
Styles: Pop Rock
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Genres: Rock
Styles: Pop Rock
South Florida based Yesterday & Today Music started off as a record store in the Miami area and yet today they’ve built a solid reputation as one of the premier independent music labels in the US today. Case in point of the label's musical devotion is Shine On, a 2023 double CD tribute album in honor of the late, great U.K. born singer-songwriter Pete Ham. Pete died in 1975 yet, the music he wrote for the UK rock band Badfinger lives on in the grooves of this superbly produced 37 track, 2+ hour double album.
Most music fans that followed the short-lived, yet highly influential career of Badfinger will know that the band was signed by the Beatles to their historic Apple Records label and that following several years of uncertainty and turmoil, mostly surrounding the band’s financial woes, Pete Ham committed suicide at the age of 27 in 1975.
Even with the tragic outcome of his brief music career, Pete will be forever remembered for the great pop anthems that he wrote, sometimes with fellow Badfinger member Tom Evans. These songs from the original albums released by Badfinger on Apple Records, and from their brief tenure on Warner Brothers Records, form the core of Shine On. It's also interesting to note that a few of the artists participating on Y&T’s Pete Ham tribute weren’t yet born when Badfinger were burning up the charts with their pop hits.
Taking part are some of the finest pop and rock singers of today including Mary Karlzen (covering “We’re For The Dark”), Amanda Green (her cover of “Name Of The Game”), L.A. pop expert Rob Bonfiglio (here with “Lonely You”), Nathalie Archangel & 19 Hand Horse (with their version of “Blodwyn”), Mary Lou Lord (“Baby Blue”) Brian Wilson band member Nelson Bragg (“Carry On Till Tomorrow”) and so much more, including a rare appearance by 1960s pop chanteuse Melanie, here with her version of Badfinger’s most celebrated song “Without You”, from their November 1970 album No Dice.
If anything, Shine On clearly defines the perennial endurance and greatness of these songs that Pete Ham wrote and recorded with Badfinger. The perfect compendium for the Badfinger aficionado or even a relative newcomer to the band’s legacy, Shine On: A Tribute To Pete Ham is a timeless tribute to Pete and the pop legend of Badfinger.
Nathalie Archangel and Mark Montijo of 19 Hand Horse and Rob Bonfiglio and Ken Sharp and Sal Hanono of Voice In Fashion and album producer Rich Ulloa speak to RMR about Shine On: A Tribute To Pete Ham
Sal Hanono: Anyhow, this started when Richie Ulloa posted on Facebook about a Pete Ham tribute project. I believe at the time he was talking about “Baby Blue” and some other songs that he had certain artists in mind to do.
I told him “Baby Blue” had been my first ever 45 rpm record I had bought. Being a Beatles obsessive the Apple label could not be overlooked…lol, and how that purchase started my love affair with the band and of course deep diving into their catalog.
We started talking and he suggested I could maybe collaborate with local band and friends Nuclear Valdez and pick song to do. Nuclear Valdez’s drummer had previously been in a band with me. We started discussing the logistics of doing this and had settled on doing “Take It All”.
Unfortunately they could not commit to the project for personal reasons so I offered Richie to do a song with my band The Voice in Fashion which is myself and my brother David Hanono in collaboration with Peter Marr and Jimi Magnole playing and producing. All four of us have an ongoing songwriting outfit called Look. By this time most of the songs were taken by other artists so from the few that remained “Timeless” was a no brainer for me to pick. It was at once one of my favorite deeper songs that Pete Ham had penned and a great title for the project. Richie would not relent to change it from Shine on…lol. I see it as one of those understated gems where he tackles our duality and conflicts in various forms as we go through past, present and future.
Richie liked it and green lit it to be included in the CD. I think I suggested that it should the last song on the CD as to leave the project "Timeless" ….it was also the last song on the ASS album… their last with Apple. https://www.facebook.com/thevoiceinfashion/
Nathalie Archangel: I’ve always had great respect for Pete Ham - what a phenomenal songwriter. I loved him based on just a couple of tunes; had no idea of the depth and breadth of his catalogue - nether did Mark. Listening to the finished double album set - we are simply in awe! Mark and I are so honored to be a part of this monumental project. We also did not know the tragic story of Pete Ham. Words fail.
We had never heard “Blodwyn” before Rich Ulloa, with his unfailing ear!, suggested it for us. We were instantly smitten and knew we could take it gently into ‘swing’ without compromising its essence. We are very proud of the cool double stops on guitar and big choral vocal arrangement. We love every track as well as the beautiful, stark cover of Shine On featuring Pete’s hauntingly fragile face. May the magic of his music live on strong!
19 Hand Horse are currently finishing a record of Patsy Cline covers because we came to the realization that singing and playing that music makes us better! Studying Patsy’s inflections; the way she caressed syllables and played with time pushed me to find the better singer in my soul. I’m not trying to be Patsy - I’m not that much of a fool. I’m Nathalie working with those tunes after sitting at the feet of the master, if you will. I’m bringing my own experience, heartbreak and competence from years of working at it.
These songs must never be forgotten and I want people to hear their striking relevance within irrelevance NOW. That is after all, one of my overarching themes!
Mark Montijo: We were over the moon when asked to contribute our interpretation of “Blodwyn” for the Pete Ham Tribute CD Shine On. We countrified it up a bit with an easy shuffle feel and some Telecaster twang. The layered chorus vocals are my favorite part… and of course Nathalie’s awesome lead vocal. Please check it out along with all the other very cool contributions! https://www.nineteenhandhorse.com/
Rob Bonfiglio: I was introduced to Rich Ulloa via our mutual friend and musical colleague, Fernando Perdomo. Fernando knew I was a Badfinger / Pete Ham fan and put me in touch with Rich when the tribute was conceived. I immediately jumped on the opportunity when offered.
I’m a longtime fan of the first three Badfinger albums, but I really think they tapped into something special with the lesser known and sadly ill-fated later releases, particularly the self-titled Badfinger and Wish You Were Here.
There was a seeming urgency to Pete’s writing at that time, it sounded like the shadow of the Beatles influence had lifted and they were really beginning to tap into something uniquely themselves.
“Lonely You” has all the hallmarks of that unique and singularly Badfinger sound, from Pete and Joey’s lovely guitar work to Pete and Tommy’s aching vocal blend.
I guess I chose this particular track to cover because it touches me in a deeply emotional way as only those later tracks can. The falling chorus and rising bridge harmony coupled with brilliant guitar work throughout has always been irresistible and, at the end of the day, really influential to me. It was an obvious choice! RobBonfiglio.com
Ken Sharp: I’ve been a big Badfinger fan for a long time and in particular Pete Ham. In fact, in my bedroom studio above my keyboard is a beautiful lithograph of Pete Ham drawn by my very talented friend Mark Perkins.
My co-producer Fernando Perdomo is long-time friends with Rich Ulloa who put together the tribute. Fernando went to bat for me and I chose the song “Just A Chance”, which is a highly underrated slice of power pop perfection featured on their Wish You Were Here album, which I think is a masterpiece.
“Just A Chance” ticks all the boxes for me, incredible melody, wall of guitars, an impassioned lead vocal by Pete Ham bolstered by its lyrical plea of desperation. I pray I have done it justice.
My most recent project is a double album featuring 50 songs called I’ll Remember The Laughter. Rick Springfield guests on two songs. I’m writing/recording constantly with plans for another new album. www.ken-sharp.com
Shine On album producer Rich Ulloa: It’s been an honor of a lifetime to be able to assemble all the great artists who so enthusiastically contributed their talents to our Pete Ham tribute. I’ve always felt that Pete was one of the greatest songwriters of his era and it is my hope that this project helps to garner more recognition for his brilliant artistry.
Pete was always the reluctant rock star, who was the ultimate team player and who never craved fame or riches. All he wanted was to have a successful career as a musician and songwriter. The world lost a true musical genius when Pete Ham took his own life and I want to do what I can to keep his legacy alive and growing. I hope this tribute plays even a small part in doing just that. www.ytmusiconline.com