Album Review of

Written by Joe Ross
June 7, 2019 - 5:09pm EDT
Review Rating Star Review Rating Star Review Rating Star Review Rating Star Review Rating Star

It’s always interesting to hear a jazz bassist’s solo album. Anderson collaborates with some very proficient and creative musicians for an incredible journey that includes everything from original bass solos (”Dreamscape” and “And So It Goes”) to lesser heard pieces with a full ensemble such as “Southern Smiles,” “Time of the Barracudas”, “Witchi-Tai-To” and “The Mighty Sword.” Anderson’s original exploration called “Momentum” utilizes a 12-tone row that builds exponentially with notes, rhythms and counterpoint. Throughout the project there’s fine musicianship, and Anderson makes the set unique by choosing musicians and music that emphasize personality, emotion, sincerity and fluidity. Crank it up so you can experience the full impact of his bass and music in your gut. (Joe Ross, Roots Music Report)