Details of
by Katie Knipp

Lyrics Writer: Katie Knipp
Music Writer: Katie Knipp

Licensing: ASCAP


You’re lovely

Tell me all your pain

Bite my lip

While I kiss you in the rain


Chorus (chords Aflat to bflat to bdim to cm)

The madness is so seductive

This vampire on a stage

Nibblin’ on my ear

Tellin’ me all his rage

(go into upper piano jam on vs chords)


Vs. 2:

Veins exposed

Heartbeat through my skin

Does anyone else here know

Your monster teeth within

(repeat chorus)

(Solo section)


Vs. 3:

The moment has come

Time to lean in

Just Kill meWhile you love me

Because I’m Yours until the end, yours until the end, yours until in the end, yours in the end