Details of
The Unsung
by Guy Verlinde

Lyrics Writer: Guy Verlinde
Music Writer: Guy Verlinde

Publisher: R&S Music
Licensing: Sabam


This one goes out to the unsung

whose love we take for granted but miss when it’s gone.

While standing in the shadows of their light

they lead us through the cracks, where true beauty hides.


Always giving without regret,

love freed from expectation is a love without debt.

And when our restless hearts can’t be confined,

they let us spread our wings with both feet on the ground.


Somehow they can take on any fight

when we’re so stubborn and can’t see they got it right,

and every brick that built our own space
has their blood, sweat and tears holding everything in place.


We all need someone along our way

who'll lead us to tomorrow and away from yesterday.
The best things in life hide in plain sight.

Oh, you're a lucky man, if you can see them by your side.


So here’s a song I wanna dedicate

to those who pray for us, even when we’ve lost our faith.

There ain’t nothing patience won’t mend.
They show time and time again how to become a better man.